• Career

Wästbygg Gruppen

  • Bygger och utvecklar i södra och mellersta Sverige:

    • bostäder
    • kommersiella byggnader
    • samhällsfastigheter
  • Bygger och utvecklar längs hela den norrländska kusten:

    • samhällsfastigheter
    • bostäder
    • kommersiella byggnader
  • Logistik och industri i Norden:

    • projektutveckling
    • entreprenaduppdrag

Green stocks

Wästbygg Group’s goal is to develop and build sustainable, modern and efficient housing, commercial properties, community properties and logistics and industrial facilities, and the company takes its mission as a community builder very seriously. As a natural part of the sustainability work, and to increase transparency around the company’s climate commitment, Wästbygg has developed a framework that enables green labeling of both equity and debt instruments.

An independent Norwegian research institute, Cicero Shades of Green, has made an assesment of all the investments from our entire business.

More about our green framework

Based on our work with the green framework, we have received the green label Nasdaq Green Equity Designation on our shares.

More about Nasdaq Green Equity Designation